Clarity Breathwork™ 

Gain Clarity and Insight

Increase your love for self, unravel years of negative thinking, and breathe in more of you. Clarity Breathwork™ is a very powerful yet gentle healing modality that releases pent- up emotions and stress, eases depression, reconnects you to your essential self, and opens you to receive clarity. If you are feeling stuck in a quagmire of old, repeating thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, breathwork is capable of reaching the core of that and unwinding it, like the layers of an onion being peeled back, to reveal the original, whole you.

Through the use of ‘conscious, connected, circular breathing’ stuck emotions, resulting from the tensions of past trauma, are able to rise to the surface to be alchemized. This leads to the release of subconscious issues.

Sessions include a check in to explore core limiting beliefs and set intentions for the session, and then 45 minutes of circular, connected breathing. Begin your journey of healing now, or book a free 15 minute consultation call with me.

  • Regina is a gifted, compassionate, and kind human being...

    “I began working with Regina when my life was in a complete upheaval. Not only did my work with Regina give me a completely different perspective on my circumstances (actually, to give thanks for them!) but allowed me to visualize and set foot on a new and more suitable path for my life. As I continued my breath session practices, I could see layer after layer of old patterns peeling away to reveal more of who I really am at my core. Regina is a gifted, compassionate, and kind human being whom I feel truly blessed to know. Her ability to hold a safe space for whatever might come up in a session is extraordinary. She is a true healer.” - Paul McNees

  • Nothing could have opened so many doors at once in such a private, natural, and loving way as breathwork has.

    “Regina invited me to a breathwork group one day, so out of curiosity I went. It was amazing. I signed up for a private one- on- one just to see the difference because I had things inside I wanted to work out in private. I’ve been to counselors and loved them, and have been to shrinks and got some insight. But nothing could have opened so many doors at once in such a private, natural, and loving way as breathwork has.” - Anonymous

  • After working with Regina my life shifted...

    “I’ve heard of breathwork before, but had never tried it. After working with Regina my life shifted. Regina held a safe space for me to trust the work and go deeper within. I found that not only did I have the answers I have been looking for within my own memory, but a place I can visit again as I feel the need for higher wisdom. Regina is a true gift to humankind and their walk upon this earth! Thank you, Regina, for assisting me to open the door to myself and my own higher power.”

    - Deborah Barth