Workshops & Events

2024 Workshops + Events Coming Soon!

Clarity Breathwork™: Breath Into Freedom

Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 11:30-1:30pm

Larkspur, CA

Clarity Breathwork™ is a very powerful yet gentle healing modality that releases pent-up emotions and stress, eases depression, heals trauma, reconnects you to your essential self, and opens you to receive clarity. If you are feeling stuck in a quagmire of old, repeating thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, breathwork is capable of reaching the core of that and unwinding it, like the layers of an onion being peeled back, to reveal the original, whole you. Through the use of ‘conscious, connected, circular breathing’ stuck emotions, resulting from the tensions of past trauma, are able to rise to the surface to be alchemized. This leads to the release of subconscious issues. All levels welcome! No previous experience required. Regina will hold a nurturing and safe container.

Reclaiming Wholeness

A Somatic Guided Meditation For Adoptees Only

Saturday, May 27th, 2023 | 11:30-1:30pm

Virtual Event

Melissa and Regina are both adoptees who have each found true healing with a newly emerging modality that is extraordinary in its ability to resolve trauma called Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® (SMGI®).

In this powerful healing process, participants will be guided into light hypnosis to access their subconscious. From there a somatic, mind/body inner journeying is used to guide you to connect with your own inner resources to receive wisdom and healing that exists within yourself.

No one knows better how to heal you than your own deeper essential self.

During the sessions you are 100% in control of what happens every step of the way.

This healing process guides you inward to resolve trauma, depression, sadness and the feeling of being disconnected to self, to name just a few. There is no limit on what SMGI® can accomplish. In our experience as guides and clients, the more you do, the more healing benefits available.

As a result, you can experience over time...

Inner Peace, Wholeness, Clarity of who you are, and more…