Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® (SMGI)

Mind Body Journeys

SMGI® offers freedom from what has been holding you back and resolution from long held issues like trauma, addiction, patterns of sabotage, co- dependency, depression, anxiety, frustration, grief, stress, stuckness, and more.... SMGI® has the ability to clear subconscious blocks that have had you spinning in patterns of thoughts and behaviors. This brings relief from emotional and mental pain, and movement forward in one's life.

SMGI® uses a combination of light hypnosis, inner parts work, shamanic journeying, guided imagery, and somatic, body- centered exploration and discovery that is quickly, gently, and profoundly healing. 

I guide my clients into the subconscious realm to bring home aspects of themselves that have been left behind and to disburden what is not theirs. This work is for those that really feel done with the old ways of being and doing things within themselves and in the world, and are ready to live a healthier and happier version of themselves.

This work is at its most effective when done in sets of 3, 6, 9 or 12 sessions. Begin your journey of healing now, or book a free 15 minute consultation call with me.

  • "My experience with SMGI has been profound!"

    “I’d never heard of SMGI when it was brought to my attention when I was looking online one day. I had no idea what to expect, but had been searching for answers to issues in my life for over 25 years. I’ll admit, I was apprehensive at first, but went into it with an open heart and mind to give it a try and see what may happen. I had a good feeling about Regina since the first time I spoke with her on the phone. I was excited that she would be a good fit for me! My experience with SMGI has been profound! Each session is unique. There are tears, laughter, joy, heartache, and major enlightenment. These sessions of SMGI have been the MOST AMAZING experiences of my life! Regina is sweet, insightful, and very patient! I look forward to each session with her and consider her a friend as well as my guide. I highly recommend her for your SMGI journey.” - Lori Kedall

  • "I was surprised how deep I went..."

    “I did a couple of SMGI sessions with Regina. I was surprised how deep I went and was able to get in touch with deeper aspects of myself that I wasn't aware of at all. I still keep noticing ongoing changes in myself- powerful transformation through dealing with inner blocks that were not conscious.It’s getting easier to stay connected to deeper aspects of myself and the spiritual realm.” - Emilio Ley

  • "Regina is a gifted wise bold yet humble healer who will impact anyone in her trusted care."

    I met Regina in Dec 2022 and was struck by her authenticity and her familiarity. The SMGI was brand new to me. She wowed me in our initial 30 minute session at a time of significant transition. I booked 3  extensive follow-up sessions and received powerful downloads that has catalyzed significant clarity and conviction in my vision for my 2.0 life as a business owner, teacher, consultant, speaker and writer. These freeze frames are powerful reminders daily to accelerate my actions to impact the lives of women. Regina is a gifted wise bold yet humble healer who will impact anyone in her trusted care. - Alli C.

  • "When I applied myself to this work it helped me listen to and trust myself."

    “I’ve been working with Regina Goldman for a few months. I can say since our first session I didn't know what to think of SMGI, this being the first time I did anything like this. But then I started to experience sensations within myself, and through that, I began to learn how to listen to myself. I noticed how my body, mind, and spirit tend to communicate on the same wave frequency. This led to the privilege of beginning to understand myself. Towards the end of my sessions so far, I started to actually realize that my inner world can be applied to my outer reality. When I applied myself to this work it helped me listen to myself, and trust myself.” - Irving Munoz

  • "Great Session!"

    “Regina helped me to connect to my inner wisdom by intuitively inviting me to ask questions to one of my inner allies that ultimately led to receiving very helpful guidance. Great session!” ~ Alison Diefenbach, Concord, CA

  • "I was surprised how easily I was able to let the process unfold with Regina's guidance."

    “As an adoptee who has experienced relinquishment trauma, Regina was the perfect guide for me. Because she is an adoptee who has had the same experience, it was easy for me to trust the process quickly and easily. Her compassion came through in the way she guided me, which made me feel safe and comfortable. I was surprised how easily I was able to let the process unfold with her guidance. It was truly a transformational experience and it makes me want to dig deeper with Regina and SMGI®.” ~ Melissa Brunetti, Modesto, CA

  • "Regina is very intuitive and connected."

    “Regina and I worked more on that word I felt in my chest, a feeling of aloneness. We did an inner child rescue. It was pretty amazing! Regina is very intuitive and connected. She exudes joy, energy, and lightheadedness, which feels so good to me when I am working with someone. I had a powerful session with Regina. I loved how she brought me back into my body continuously, so the experience could sink in in a cellular way. I experienced powerful unburdening of a part of me, deep clutter clearing, and beautiful support. I loved that she asked me for a new truth because that made a huge difference and has long lasting benefits. Regina guides through a beautiful combination of knowledge and intuition. She is compassionate, caring and invested in the healing journey of her clients. I feel safe and held with her. She allowed me to go to places and retrieve parts of myself that I was afraid to face. Her warmth and love carries throughout the session and allows for depth and success of these journeys.” ~ Bhavani Werning, San Anselmo, CA